Unlock Your Potential with Support for Talented Students
Support for Talented Students
Financial Criteria
Demonstrated Financial Need
The student applicant and family must meet one or more of the following financial need criteria:
Receive financial assistance from federal, state, or county governments.
Have family income at or below the amount shown in the income guideline table below.
No. of Household Members/Annual Income:
Federal Poverty Guidelines
If the family does not meet at least one of the above requirements, the family must describe the “extra-ordinary” circumstance within the recent 12-months that prevents them from fully or partially paying for the enrichment program. This space allows the applicant to describe situations, such as emergency medical expenses, those mandated by court decisions, unemployment, or other real life situations that do not fit well into computer forms answer spaces.
If none of the above apply to this family, an STS Scholarship will likely NOT be awarded. In that case, the family should check directly with the desired program to see if it provides financial assistance.